curtain wall
custom printed glass, dual layer
basic 2 x 6 foot unit
270 total pieces of glass, approximately 60 x 60 feet total
GSA Art in Architecture commission
GSA Richard Bolling Federal Building
Kansas City, MO
photography by Mike Sinclair

slips and shifts
Private commission: custom glazing, dual layer ceramic frit. 52 total custom panels, 4' by 10' each, approximately 200' drawing in glass.
Owner: Botwin & Company
Architect: el dorado architects
Kansas City, Missouri
photography by Mike Sinclair

One A Day 59 & One A Day 62
124 x 271 feet each
ArtBoards at Missouri Bank and Trust
Kansas City, Missouri
a project of the Charlotte Street Foundation, Art Through Architecture

One A Day 59

One A Day 62